Tablet PratipurtiTablet Pratipurti

कैसे करें टैबलेट प्रतिपूर्ति कार्यवाही – All Process

  • Click on “Tab Pratipurti” button for the Reimburshment process.
  • Click on the “टैबलेट क्रय हेतु पंजीयन
  • Read the Instructions.
  • Give Your consent by clicking on this checkbox of the undertaking.
  • Click this button forr the final acceptance and registration for the Tablet Reimbursement.
  • Teacher has successfully registrered for tablet reimbursement.
  • Click on the “Tablet Purchase Pratipurti” button and enter the tablet configuration and its invoice information.
  • This process will be donee only through newly purchased tablets, confirm the same.
  • All information detailed in Tablet Module – Please See here.

Tablet purchase by Teacher –